• Your

    employment life cycle partner

    Partnering HR to creatively align organisational, team & individual interests.

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Who we are

Imaginative people management solutions

Partnering clients across the UK & internationally; ImaginativeHR's passion is to deliver creative employee experience solutions throughout the employment life cycle.

Employment life cycle solutions

ImaginativeHR delivers a broad range of world class employment life cycle consultancy solutions in the following areas - blending these solutions in imaginative, value-adding ways; regularly enhanced by customised online reinforcement tool-boxes:

Talent Identification

Talent Assimilation

Talent Development

Talent Engagement

Talent Transition


Great outcomes

Executive career review
Executive career review

OD Director, International (Beverages Sector) - Denmark

''You've provided me with great food for thought and insightful information so I have to do my homework now and get prepared to knock it out of the park! We could have not planned it better. The conversations ... helped me ground my thinking and sharpened my focus on strengths to close some gaps – and over time, I believe additional strengths will surface.''

Group outplacement
Group outplacement

CEO (Charity Sector) – UK

"I just wanted to personally thank you for ... your support at a difficult juncture... I know that the employees affected by our tough decision will be hugely grateful for your expertise and I can’t thank you enough for ... your expert knowledge and skills."

Senior career transition
Senior career transition

Head of Business Transformation (Insurance Sector) – UK

"It's been an amazing five months of being out of work. Some highs and some lows. What I do take away from it though is your support and guidance and being there for me. So thank you!"

Senior career transition
Senior career transition

Operations Director (Healthcare Sector) – UK

"Securing this position would not have been possible without your support, guidance and commitment. It is difficult to express just how grateful I am ... and I shall be eternally appreciative for everything you have done for me."

Leadership development
Leadership development

Lead Support Engineer (Digital Sector) – UK

‘’I personally found these workshops have been most beneficial for me and I will certainly not forget Lumina going forward ... I have already been able to apply some of the principles learnt (to good effect) and will continue to attempt to incorporate as many of the principles learnt Into my working practices going forward.’’

Senior career transition
Senior career transition

Group Financial Director (Insurance Sector) - UK

''It would have been very easy to say 'hey ... six months is up all the best', ... the fact you didn't was very much appreciated ... you gave me the confidence and the tools to work out exactly what I wanted to do, and the encouragement to do it. I would recommend ImaginativeHR to anyone in a similar position.''

Senior leadership cohort development
Senior leadership cohort development

Chief HR Officer (Film Sector) – UK/USA

"Huge thanks for your partnership over the Effective Leadership Program ... I’ve learned a lot as we have developed the program as I am sure have each of the participants ... it’s been fun!!"

Multi-country executive coaching
Multi-country executive coaching

Global Head of Learning & Organisational Development (Music Sector) - UK

''You have been an incredible help to me with your network, advice and the coaching support!''

Senior career transition
Senior career transition

HR Business Partner, UK Group Functions (Travel Sector) - UK

"The feedback on our Executive Outplacement programme has been fantastic. ImaginativeHR have provided a tailored, bespoke programme to support our Execs through a period of significant change. They have been flexible and professional throughout ..."

International outplacement
International outplacement

Customer Service Agent (Telecoms Sector) - Italy

"Firstly, they get to know you, the situation you are in and help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, and what potential roles are out there that could bets match your skills and experience. Then, they help you become the best candidate for that role ... Thanks to the help and guidance provided by ImaginativeHR, I was able to get the job that I wanted in less than two months."

Employee engagement & culture building
Employee engagement & culture building

Founder and CEO (Digital Sector) – UK

"ImaginativeHR have been instrumental in helping us build the business we have today. It really has been an amazing holistic approach that has helped us take a global view of building (our) culture ... Thank you for the amazing work."

Executive coaching
Executive coaching

Global Industry Director (Logistics Sector) - Belgium

"My ImaginativeHR coach has created a new sense of awareness in me which benefits the business via the ease at which I can get things done through / with colleagues, and has increased my team’s engagement and effectiveness. I strongly recommend ImaginativeHR’s coaching programme for senior executives, sales leaders, high potential leaders and high performing teams."

Bespoke behavioural assessment
Bespoke behavioural assessment

HR Director (Professional Services Sector) - UK

"ImaginativeHR provided us with a very solid and creative bespoke behavioural assessment response to our senior leadership team assessment needs; developing and delivering a comprehensive development centre, including access to case studies specifically customised for our sector, role-plays, team observation activities and telephonic behavioural assessment interviews, preceded by a range of pre-assessment psychometrics. They delivered what they promised."

High-potential assessment
High-potential assessment

Head of HR (Financial Sector) - UK

‘’Thank you for your team’s professional contribution to a very successful hi-po assessment process. We’ve enjoyed working with ImaginativeHR’s occupational psychologists, assessors and observers who all did a fantastic job managing the overall process, offsite event and expectations across our broad stakeholder group.’’

Career reviews & outplacement
Career reviews & outplacement

Head of HR (Housing Sector) - UK

"The engagement of the team is personal and supportive and I would highly recommend them."