Engage Talent

Staff engagement surveys, structured interview leadership audits, career clinics & career reviews


Our outcomes-focused engagement solutions, including creative staff engagement surveys, focus groups, structured interview and survey-based leadership and diversity audits, together with comprehensive competency and career framework development, enhanced by active career management support, assure enduring staff engagement and key talent retention.



    • Engagement diagnostics, including structured stakeholder interviews, focus groups and staff engagement surveys
    • Engagement consultancy, including stakeholder-owned and actionable solutions and communication, typically following a staff survey or key organisational event / milestone
    • Competency mapping, including behavioural, technical and domain-specific competency definition
    • Career framework development, supported by practical career enablement resources
    • Leadership and diveristy audits, including gender, ethnicity and disability pay-gap reviews
    • Career management and career reviews
    • Career self-ownership and career stewardship training
    • Online engagement resources, including bespoke personal career management and peer-to-peer development portal development / access. (More about our online career development platform here)



    • Staff and stakeholders understand what is possible, and what is not; consequently, what is relevant is measured, and what isn’t is not
    • Staff and stakeholder feedback leads to clear communication of internal exemplars, areas for improvement, actions and ownership
    • Individual career ownership is nurtured and staff benefit from focus on personal career objectives
    • Discretionary effort is released (ROI)


Our specialist team includes:

    • Change and HR Consultants
    • Organisational diagnostics experts
    • Career coaches


Illustrative examples of ImaginativeHR staff engagement survey & leadership audit projects:

Staff engagement surveys, leadership audits and career-clinics

1) Staff engagement survey (Pharmaceuticals sector, United Kingdom & mainland Europe)


Following a period of considerable change, the ImaginativeHR team was engaged by a pharmaceuticals organisation to scope, design, deliver and report on the results of a staff survey across six European business units – with the objective of identifying key engagement issues and benchmarks across the organisation.


Our team, (comprising project management, consultancy, research and facilitation resources) worked closely with our sponsors, employee representatives and broader internal stakeholder groups to build a validated (quantitative and qualitative) question set via a series of focus groups. Once a meaningful and appropriate question set had been developed, the survey objectives were communicated to staff via a dedicated portal containing key FAQs. A staff survey was delivered electronically across the organisation, the results of which (including proposed next steps and ownership etc,) were reported through the relevant business units.

2) Leadership audit (Mining sector, United Kingdom & Southern Africa)


The ImaginativeHR team was engaged by a mining organisation to deliver a Board-level, leadership audit – following a board decision to review leadership accountabilities and strengths, in order to deliver /achieve the business’s strategic plan.


Our team, (led by two facilitators), structured and delivered a series of face-to-face and telephonic structured interviews across the Board, (which included key 360 degree elements). Following individual and collective feedback to all the members of the Board, we submitted a series of recommendations, which included a requirement for fundamental changes to the structure / responsibilities of the Board. In turn, these recommendations were all successfully implemented by our client.

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