Develop Talent

Coaching, mentoring & blended learning interventions for individuals & teams


Our impactful development solutions, comprising individual one-to-one coaching, bespoke facilitated team development solutions, mentoring and peer-to-peer development methods improve business performance, team resiliency / collaboration and individual impact.



    • Coach and mentor development, via bespoke one-to-one and group-based coach mentoring and supervision
    • Coaching – face-to-face and / or virtual. (More about our coaching solutions here)
    • Team coaching / facilitation – underpinned by bespoke team diagnostics, assessment, leadership / behavioural competency blueprints and learning toolboxes. (More about our team development solutions here)
    • Mentoring – face-to-face, providing access to senior leaders who have experience-based guidance to share, delivered in a coaching style
    • Online developmental resources, including bespoke personal career management and peer-to-peer development portal development / access. (More about our online career development platform here)



    • Superior performance is released in the work place
    • Team collaboration is improved
    • Team innovation is enhanced
    • Optimal career paths are enabled, and succession future-proofed
    • Enduring coaching / mentoring relationships and cultures are developed
    • Development costs are optimised (ROI)


Our specialist team includes:

    • Trainers
    • Executive coaches – ICF, EMCC, AC, ICC and / or ILM-accredited
    • Team facilitators
    • Mentors
    • Talent systems experts


Illustrative examples of ImaginativeHR coaching, mentoring & blended learning projects:

Coaching, mentoring & blended learning interventions for individuals & teams

1) Executive development coaching (Financial sector, United Kingdom)


The ImaginativeHR team was engaged by a financial services organisation to deliver a solution to the organisation’s senior front office staff as part of the organisation’s drive to optimise / develop the abilities of their key talent to engage, develop and delegate within their teams, during a highly challenging period within this sector.


Our team, (comprising twelve executive coaches with substantial experience of the financial services sector), delivered three-meeting and six-meeting, one-to-one coaching programmes, preceded by Strengthscope assessments aimed at identifying individual strengths, to inform the developmental process.  The project was highly instrumental in identifying the key team strengths and developing / promoting a ‘playing to strengths’ culture.

2) Virtual mentoring (Technology sector, United Kingdom)


The ImaginativeHR team was engaged by a technology sector organisation, to deliver (general) management mentoring for two senior leaders (based in Europe and Asia) who had both been identified as a potential future CEO – as part of the organisation’s talent planning strategy.


Two of our senior mentors (both previously MDs / senior Board level-leaders in the technology / telecoms sector) mentored the two senior leaders via Skype and telephone over a period of six months. During this time, individual developmental needs were addressed, including specific Board-level / executive ‘presence’, presentation skills and personal branding. At the end of the process both senior leaders felt (and were deemed to be) equipped and appropriately positioned for potential promotion.

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